I'm a passionate programmer 😎 who can help you out
with any errors and bugs 😉. I can develop some
impressive softwares and web applications 💪. I am
always curious about learning and gaining knowledge
This server is useful in this hard time
of quarantine period. Using this server,
stream all your entertainment content
over your LAN so that others can enjoy
without using internet or copying the
file over their device, while
maintaining a social distance.
It has features like:
Impressive and Responsive UI.
Join or Create Room, or watch
Synchronised Video Playback in
the room across all members.
Controls of the video will be
controled by the Leader (one who
created the room by default).
Real-time messaging in the Room
so everyone can share their
This Web App is an implementation of
real-time chatting system. Here, the
users can create a room and chat with
other in real-time with the power of
Socket.io which can also be used through
mobile devices and works like a charm.
This system is used to solve a problem
which is being faced in out day to day
life concerning the parking space in
parking lots. This system provides
multiple features like:
Real-time Detection for the
parking slots identifying about
the occupancy of the space.
LSTM model to predict the
traffic in the parking area on a
specific day of the week,
festival and national holiday.
Notify the Admin if someone has
wrongly used the space.
Check the availability in
advance and book the parking
space for convenient travel.